Projects in El Salvador
Medical and Surgical Missions
Our medical team have and will provide care for various medical and surgical conditions including but not limited to facial lesions, hernia repair, well child check-ups and dental care.
This service is provided free to the community especially in far, outreach areas. We provide comprehensive care that includes not only various surgeries but also includes physical and occupational therapies that are much needed and equally important. We work with local team members to teach and educate staff, so that there is continuity of care. For our recent 2023 mission, we also partnered with 3 local rotary clubs; Club Rotario San Salvador Cuscatlan, Club Rotario Santa Ana Ciudad Heroica and Club Rotario de Santa Ana.

Projects in El Salvador
Dental Care
Oral hygiene and good dental health are keys to maintenance of general well-being. During our visits to El Salvador, we have seen a need for dental care to underprivileged populations, neurologically incapacitated people, and institutions for homeless children.
Our dentists will provide this much needed and important care, free of charge, several times a year.
Be the one to care…
Health Missions Internation, Inc. (HMI) is a registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit and all donations are tax deductible in accordance with the IRS.
Health Missions International
4572 Telephone Road #912
Ventura, CA 93003