Help further the work of
Health Missions International
Health Missions International is a registered 501( C) (3) charity in the United States and your donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.
HMI EIN #: 823901964
We have several convenient, secure methods of supporting our work. If you have any issues making a donation or donation receipt, please contact us:
You have been the one to care
You have been the one to change
Use our secure online payment form to make a quick, easy donation with your credit or debit card or by using your Paypal or Venmo account, without leaving our site.
You will receive an e-mail receipt from us shortly after making your donation. If you have any issues or you do not receive your receipt please contact us:
Make a secure online payment (in USD) with your credit card or Paypal account.
You have the option to cover the fees for us or to make a recurring payment!
You will receive an email receipt from Paypal which can serve as tax donation receipt. If you also require a donation receipt from HMI, please contact us:
Donate securely and quickly online via your Venmo account or find our verified charity profile in the app @HMIMissions.
You will receive a receipt message from Venmo which can serve as tax donation receipt. If you also require a donation receipt from HMI, please contact us:
Be the one to care…
Health Missions Internation, Inc. (HMI) is a registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit and all donations are tax deductible in accordance with the IRS.
Health Missions International
4572 Telephone Road #912
Ventura, CA 93003