Consuela Hernandez is 80 something years old. She was abandoned in the streets not far from the National Hospital Chalchuapa. Some good Samaritans found her and brought her to the hospital. She was developmentally delayed, unable to speak, dirty and malnourished. The hospital admitted her, nutritionally rehabilitated her, provided medical care while actively working with the local police authorities to contact any family members. Unable to locate any relative, the hospital continued their care of her, providing a bed for her sleep at night in different areas of the hospital. The hospital cafeteria provided her with food and soon she became a fixture in the hospital grounds, spending her time watching people. Everyone knew her so she was cared for with donated clothes and food.

While we were at the hospital, I was approached by the local medical staff to address her dental and oral hygiene. She had poor oral hygiene and many cavities. After discussing with the HMI team, we agreed to do an oral exam , take care of the cavities and perform extractions if needed. Being neurologically challenged, all this had to be done under anesthesia.

Even more challenging was getting consent for this procedure. Ultimately, a local judge issued a signed document giving us the permission on her behalf to address her oral health.

A few hours later, a few teeth short, her mouth looking better than before, she awakened happy, eager to eat. It was certainly a humbling experience for me and the HMI team. Our mission is to provide care to those in need if we can and not just a particular group of patients. It certainly put me to test as a pediatric dentist. I hope that she will find a good home in the future but in the meantime, she is in good hands with the team at the National Hospital Chalchuapa.

Dr. Jim Dickerson



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